Morocco’s greed for plundering Western Sahara’s natural resources prolongs its occupation

دنوب افريقيا
Tue, 03/25/2025 - 19:56

Pretoria, 25 March 2025 (SPS) - Alvin Botes, Deputy Minister of International Relations and Cooperation of South Africa and member of the African National Congress (ANC) National Executive Committee, stated that Morocco’s greed for plundering the natural resources of Western Sahara is the driving force behind its persistence in prolonging the occupation of the territory - Africa’s last colony. 

In a media contribution titled "The Resource Curse and the Struggle for Self-Determination," published on South Africa’s  National Human Rights Day (commemorating the 1960 Sharpeville Massacre, where apartheid police killed 69 and wounded hundreds), Botes emphasized:  "We must not forget those still denied their fundamental rights in Western Sahara, a nation fighting for self-determination decades after the rest of the continent freed itself from colonialism."

He argued that Morocco’s continued occupation of Western Sahara - in blatant defiance of international law - is fueled by the region’s vast mineral and marine wealth, including one of the world’s largest phosphate reserves. Botes pointed to Morocco’s exploitation of the Bou Craa mine, a "cornerstone of its economy," significantly boosting its share in the global phosphate market. Additionally, he highlighted the rich Atlantic waters off Western Sahara, teeming with marine life that attracts international fishing fleets, alongside potential offshore oil and gas reserves. 

By occupying Western Sahara, Botes added, Morocco seeks to expand its exclusive economic zone, enabling lucrative fishing agreements, export licenses, and port fees - relying on occupied ports like El Aaiún and Dakhla. 

Reaffirming South Africa’s moral and legal obligation under international law, Botes stressed the duty to support the Sahrawi struggle, which embodies the worst facets of colonialism: forced displacement, exploitation of land and vital resources, and systemic denial of basic rights. 

"If we believe in justice, the Sahrawi people must be free to determine their own future," he declared. 

He noted that South Africa’s 2025 Human Rights theme calls for "entrenching a culture of social justice and human rights." For Sahrawis, he affirmed, this can only be achieved by implementing UN General Assembly Resolution 1514 (the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples), which demands decolonization in all forms - unconditionally. Botes urged the international community to fulfill its commitments by enabling a referendum on self-determination, ensuring the Sahrawi people’s freedom and independence. 
