Sahrawi Republic deposits the Instrument of Ratification of the Protocol to the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

الجمهرية - الإتحاد الافريقي
Thu, 10/26/2023 - 10:06

Addis Ababa (African Union), October 26, 2023 (SPS)- The Sahrawi Republic deposited on Wednesday its Instrument of Ratification of the Protocol annexed to the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in Africa, at the headquarters of the African Union in Addis Ababa.

The purpose of the African Disability Protocol is to promote, protect and ensure the full and equal enjoyment of all human and people’s rights by all persons with disabilities in Africa, as well as to ensure respect for their inherent dignity.

The Sahrawi Republic deposited its instrument of ratification of the protocol with the Office of the Legal Counsel of the African Union, represented by the Permanent Representative to the African Union, Mr. Lamman Abaali, accompanied by the Media and Cultural Attaché, Mr. Rguibi Abdallahi, where the Sahrawi delegation was received by the Legal Counsel of the African Union, Mohamed Salem Al-Jalil, and members of his office.

الجمهرية - الإتحاد الافريقي


The legal counsel welcomed the Sahrawi delegation, praising the Sahrawi Republic’s ratification of the protocol and highlighting the importance of this in strengthening the position of the Sahrawi Republic within the bodies of the African Union, which works with all countries of the continent on an equal footing and expects them to engage in more agreements and protocols that would provide more protection and the well-being of the peoples of the continent.

Speaking during the official deposit of the instrument of ratification of the protocol, the Representative of the Sahrawi Republic stressed the insistence of the Sahrawi government to continue its efforts to adapt the laws of the Republic to the agreements and laws of the African Union, in implementation of the vision of the Sahrawi state as a founding member of the Union and as a member of the Ministerial Committee for Ratification of African Agreements.


الجمهرية - الإتحاد الافريقي

