Dean of Tifariti University received at South African embassy by ambassador

التفاريتي - جنوب افريقيا
Thu, 05/23/2024 - 20:32

Algiers, 23 May 2024 (SPS)-  Mr. Moulay M'hamed Brahim, Director of Higher Education and Dean of the University of Tifariti, was received today, Thursday, at the South African Embassy in Algiers by the Chargé d'Affaires at the Embassy, the South African Ambassador, Mr. Patrick Rankhumise, accompanied by the First Secretary, Mr. Bernard Legodi, as well as members of the embassy staff.

The meeting focused on evaluating the bilateral relations between the Sahrawi State and the Republic of South Africa, especially in the higher education sector, and ways to develop and strengthen them in the future.



Mr. Moulay M'hamed Brahim, also took the opportunity of the meeting to express the gratitude and appreciation of the Sahrawi people for the advanced and historic positions of the Republic of South Africa and its people, who have supported and accompanied the legitimate struggle of the Sahrawi people and amplified their voice in all international and regional forums.

The Director of Higher Education presented a certificate of appreciation and gratitude to Mr. Patrick Rankhumise, in recognition of his tremendous efforts and constant support for the programs and activities of the University of Tifariti over the past years.
