Polisario Front reiterates Sahrawi people's adherence to its rights to freedom and independence

lamana 13-05
Tue, 05/14/2024 - 20:29

Shaheed El Hafed (Refugee Camps), 14 May 2024 (SPS) - The Polisario Front has reiterated its determination to uphold the Sahrawi people's full rights to freedom and independence through all legitimate means, condemning the brutal repression imposed on the resilient Sahrawi people in the occupied territories and southern Morocco.

This came in a statement issued at the end of the meeting of the Permanent Bureau of the National Secretariat of the Polisario Front, chaired by its Secretary-General, President of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic, Brahim Ghali, who stressed the "adherence of the Sahrawi people to its recognized rights to freedom and independence, including the right to self-defense by all legitimate means in the face of the continuation of the Moroccan occupier's barbaric aggression, criminal war, and colonial occupation of the territory of the Sahrawi Republic, in flagrant contradiction with the charters and resolutions of international legitimacy."

This, the statement adds, "is in the face of the Security Council's inaction in enabling the United Nations Mission for the Referendum on Self-Determination in Western Sahara (MINURSO) to carry out the task for which it was created, namely to organize the referendum on self-determination" in accordance with the provisions of the peace plan signed by the Sahrawi and Moroccan parties under the supervision of the United Nations and the Organization of African Unity, after 16 years of war.

The Permanent Bureau of the Polisario Front reaffirmed the Sahrawi side's readiness, as usual, to contribute to serious UN efforts aimed at implementing the 1991 settlement plan and decolonizing Western Sahara on the basis of the Sahrawi people's exercise of its right to self-determination and independence.

It also called on "all the masses of the valiant Sahrawi people to accomplish the organizational tasks and arm themselves with awareness, vigilance, and caution to thwart all the conspiracies hatched by the occupation and to confront its psychological warfare, which is its favorite means of diverting attention from the deep crises it is facing, which are increasing day by day."

In the same context, the Permanent Bureau recorded "with all pride and respect the bravery of the fighters of the Sahrawi People's Liberation Army who continue to target the Moroccan occupation forces, inflicting heavy losses in lives and equipment."

The Permanent Bureau of the Polisario Front also reiterated its condemnation, on this occasion, of the brutal repression imposed on the resilient Sahrawi masses in the occupied territories and southern Morocco and universities, demanding that the international community put pressure on the Moroccan occupier to release all Sahrawi civilian prisoners, especially the prisoners of Gdeim Izik and the student group.


