Moroccan occupation authorities mistreat Sahrawi civilian prisoners

Wed, 08/16/2023 - 21:35

Ait Melloul (Morocco), August 16, 2023 (SPS)- The Moroccan occupation authorities, in the local prison of Ait Melloul, abused Sahrawi civilian prisoners within the Gdim Izik group, according to what a Sahrawi human rights source told SPS.

The same source added that the prison administration transferred the Sahrawi civilian prisoners within the Gdeim Izik, Brahim Dadi Ismaili, Sid Ahmed Faraji Lamjaid and Mohamed Hnini Arruh, to cells that do not meet the necessary health conditions.

In a statement on Monday, by Malika Ismaili, the daughter of the Sahrawi civil prisoner, Brahim Dadi Ismaili, to the Association for the Protection of Sahrawi Prisoners, she said that her father was subjected to a state of fainting and loss of consciousness as a result of the transfer he was subjected to with the two Sahrawi civilian prisoners, Sid Ahmed Faraji Lamjaid and Mohamed Hnini Arruh.


She added that the administration of the local prison, Ait Melloul 1, transferred her father to cells that do not meet health conditions and standards and are exposed to harsh sunlight, in addition to the lack of ventilation and the smell of sewage emanating from the rest of the cells.

The prison administration of the Moroccan authorities also refuses to respond to the demands of the Sahrawi civilian prisoners within the Gdeim Izik group to change their cells for health reasons.

Mrs. Malika Ismaili stressed that the administration of the local prison, Ait Melloul 1, is not willing to treat her father and the rest of the Sahrawi civilian prisoners within the Gdeim Izik group in a humane and decent manner, in retaliation for their political stances on the issue of Western Sahara and the right of the Sahrawi people to self-determination and independence.

SPS 110/T
