School of June 9th, December 20, 2023 (SPS) – The economic cluster Ministers answered yesterday in a plenary session the questions of the National Council Members within the work of the autumn session and the evaluation of the government’s annual program in accordance with the provisions of the organic law regulating the relationship between the government and the National Council.
The plenary session began with the response of the Minister of Construction and Reconstruction of the Liberated Territories, Mr. Salem Labsir, during which he stressed the continuation of the Ministry’s efforts in the field of construction, especially social facilities, such as building kindergartens, renovating the headquarters of a number of municipalities, and building the regional hospital for the wilaya of Awsard, and continuing coordination with partners to overcome various concerns expressed in the field of construction.

For his part, the Minister of Transport and Energy, Mr. Salek Mohamed Embarek, touched on the role played by the Ministry in expanding the electricity network and ensuring its quality, upgrading the administration of the regional directorates of transport, and supporting maintenance workshops to maintain the transport fleet while making more efforts in the fields of training and qualifying workers in the field of electricity.
In turn, the President of the Red Crescent, Mr. Bouhabini Yahya Bouhabini, provided clarifications on the various concerns presented in the field of nutrition and the food basket provided to Sahrawi citizens, as well as the Red Crescent Foundation’s accompaniment of humanitarian organizations working in Sahrawi refugee camps in order to provide all basic needs and ensure the regularity of this assistance in a way that meets the national need.

For his part, the member of the National Secretariat, Minister of Water and Environment, Mr. Adda Brahim Ahmeim, responded to various questions by members of the National Council, where he highlighted the most important axes on which the Ministry’s strategy in the field of water and environment is focused, reviewing in numbers the expansion of the water pipeline network in various wilayas, and the work to increase the production of the amount of water by drilling more wells, increasing storage places, and filtering water, while making significant efforts in the field of preserving the environment.
The National Council continues to listen to the rest of the ministers of government sectors within the framework of the first autumn session of the twelfth legislative term as part of the evaluation of the government’s program for the year 2023.