President of Republic makes appointments at the level of Ministry of National Defense

Sat, 10/26/2024 - 18:37

Shaheed Al-Hafed, October 26, 2024 (SPS) - The President of the Republic, Secretary-General of the Polisario Front and Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces issued yesterday October 25, 2024, a presidential decree by which he made a number of appointments at the level of the Ministry of National Defense based on the powers conferred upon him by the constitution.

The military appointments were as follows:

At the level of military regions:

-Ahmed Lahbib Abdi, Commander of the First Military Region.

-Al Hassan Khattari Al Bashir (Bouchalga), Commander of the Fifth Military Region.

-Lahbib Mohamed Abdel-Aziz, Commander of the Army Reserve.

-Moussa Mohamed Lamine, Commander of the Seventh Military Region.

-Nana Othman Brahim, Commander of the National Gendarmerie.

At the level of central directors:

-Taleb Abdullah Ammi Deh, Commander of Region, Central Director of Operations.

-Beidalla Mohamed Brahim, Commander of Region, Central Director of Training.

-Mohamed Fadel Abrika Abdel Rahman (Mondi), Central Director of Inspection.

- Sid Ahmed Bouchraya Beiba, Central Director of Signals.

- Sid Brahim Moulay Al-Zain, Central Director, Advisor to the Ministry.

SPS 110
