The 15th Congress of the Portuguese Trade Union issues a recommendation on Western Sahara

XV Congreso de la Confederación General de los Trabajadores Portugueses-Intersindical Nacional (CGTP-IN
Sat, 02/24/2024 - 19:23

Lisbon (Portugal) February 24, 2024 (SPS) - The Fifteenth Congress of the Portuguese Trade Union, CGTP-IN, issued a recommendation on Western Sahara, urging the United Nations to hold a referendum in Western Sahara and calling on the international community to put pressure on Morocco to respect human rights in the occupied part of Western Sahara and open the territory for international observers and press.

The closing ceremony of the congress was attended by Mr. Mami Aabidi, member of the executive office of the UGTSARIO, responsible for international relations and cooperation, in addition to the Representative of the Polisario Front in Portugal, Mr. Ammih Omar.

The Portuguese Trade Union is the largest union in the country and has very advanced positions towards the Sahrawi issue and all just causes.

