President Brahim Ghali receives a reply message from his Zimbabwean counterpart

الرئيس الراهيم غالي
Fri, 05/24/2024 - 16:20

Shaheed Al-Hafed, May 24, 2024 (SPS) - The President of the Republic, Secretary-General of the Polisario Front, received a reply message from his Zimbabwean counterpart, Mr. Emmerson Mnangagwa, in response to the congratulatory message sent to him by President Brahim Ghali on the occasion of the forty-fourth anniversary of Zimbabwe’s independence.

In his reply message, President Mnangagwa stressed his country’s determination to support and accompany the Sahrawi people until they are able to determine their fate. He also highlighted the strength of bilateral relations between his country and the Sahrawi Republic, praising the strong relations that bind the two peoples and countries.

