Delegation from AU PSC ona work visit to institutions of Sahrawi Republic

Delegation from AU PSC ona work visit to institutions of Sahrawi Republic

Peace and security del
saila dalahi
ثلاثاء 03/12/2024 - 23:38

Shaheed El Hafed, December 1, 2024 (SPS) - A delegation from the Peace and Security Commission of the African Union (AU PSC) has begun a visit to the Sahrawi refugee camps starting from Sunday, as part of a work visit lasting several days to the institutions of the Sahrawi Republic. 

The purpose of the delegation's visit, which comes within the framework of the Maputo Protocol, is to find out about the Sahrawi institutions. 

They held a meeting with the Minister of Social Affairs and Promotion of Women, Suelma Berouk. During the meeting, Suelma Berouk emphasized the commitments of the Sahrawi state regarding women, affirming that this is a firmly established reality on the ground, where Sahrawi women are able to assume responsibilities for which they are qualified, demonstrating their capabilities and competencies at all levels and in all areas of national action.

The delegation, accompanied by the Permanent Representative to the African Union and the Ambassador to Ethiopia, Mr. Lamen Baali, will conduct field visits to women's centers in the wilayas of Smara and Auserd, as well as tours of several institutions including the National Museum of Resistance and the Association of Families of Sahrawi Prisoners and Missing Persons. 

During their visit, which aims to assess the implementation of the Maputo Protocol, the delegation is expected to meet with representatives from the Ministries of Justice and Religious Affairs, the Office of the Minister Delegate for Religious Affairs, and Economic Development.