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Exploitation of Western Sahara’s natural resources: Polisario calls on EU to open discussions

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Brussels, 10 March 2017 (SPS) - The Polisario Front calls on the European Commission to open discussions to make legal the presence of the European economic players in Western Sahara in accordance with the decision of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU), warning that if not, the Front will act with determination to impose the full implementation of the law.
“The European Commission should respect CJEU’s decision and ask for the preliminary consent of the Sahrawi people,” wrote the representative of the Polisario Front in Belgium Jamel Zakari in a letter sent to the agricultural and rural development commission at the European Parliament.
In this regard, he underlined that the Polisario Front has always been in favour of Western Sahara’s economic development, provided that the economic activities are conducted in compliance with the principle of the peoples’ permanent sovereignty over their natural resources when they are under foreign occupation, “a fundamental element” of the right to self-determination.
The Polisario Front, which hopes to reach a “satisfactory solution” with the European Commission which will meet the mutual interests of the Sahrawi people and the European Union, reaffirms its commitment to following, on behalf of the Sahrawi people, “all the legal ways to ensure the full implementation of CJEU’s decision.” (SPS)